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Introduction to This Website
Hello my name is Audra Grays, and I am a high school senior at Parish Episcopal School in Dallas, TX. Currently, I am in a four year program called the Academy of Global Studies (AGS). In this class, select students learn about society surrounding them, pick a worldly topic to explore in depth, and then towards the end of high school, we write an annotated bibliography, a capstone, and produce a website that correlates with our findings. This is my website that displays my research findings. My website it set up so that any viewer can understand what the AGS program is at my school, what my AGS paper is about, and how my research turned out at the end of my high school career.
Quote from Parish Website:
"Academy of Global Studies (AGS), launched in 2011, represents one of Parish’s signature programs which tailor learning to the specific interests of its students. AGS affords a select group of Upper School students the opportunity to direct their passion for global issues into generating meaningful solutions for the challenges facing the world today. It stands to produce a corps of globally-attuned graduates prepared to be the impactful international leaders of tomorrow.
Students are accepted to the Academy of Global Studies as rising ninth graders and engage in a four-year program which complements their experience in our traditional course of study."
To learn more about AGS,
In my capstone, I explore the broken health and social conditions of Post-Soviet individualism. This basically means that, in my paper, I researched how Russia's society has changed from the governmental transition from Communism to federalism and how that change affected various aspects of Russian culture. These various aspects are about the health (HIV/AIDS) and social (LGBTQ+ and Religion) parts of Russian culture, and although there are several other effects I could talk about, I selected a few that piqued my interest the most and seemed most pertinent to my paper. I chose to learn about this topic becasue a lot of political, societal, and environmental events that happen in Russian history are not really talked about, or is not common knowledge with the public. I found this interesting becasue Russia is such a big country with so much history to explore, and I wanted to shine a light on how people have certain opinions regarding Russia but no real understanding to back up those opinions.
This website is organized by all of the more general subject headings that were present in my capstone. Each subject heading ties back to my main point: "Having transitioned from a society that is told what to think and how to live (communism) to having a freedom to explore self (individualism), Russian citizens have struggled to transition in social construct along with a shift in governance."

close up map of Russia